
Monday, September 26, 2005
This weekend, my friend Ted threw what I believe was the worst party of all time, which has prompted me to create this cautionary visual aid.

Here’s a tip: if your party develops any or, God forbid, all of these characteristics, shut it down. Also, beware of moving parties. Any so-called party that involves delivery pizza, beer you cannot keep cool because you have no fridge, and me loading all of your stuff into a U-haul is a direct affront to humanity. We out.
Other lame parties to watch out for:
- Cuddle parties
- Tupperware parties
- Book club meetings
- Parties of five
- Block parties
- Parties where e-vite is sent out more than two weeks in advance
- Non-wedding parties with printed invitations
- Wedding parties with printed invitations
- Office parties
- Parties with parlor games
- Parties where parlor games from previous lame parties are discussed to any extent
- Murder mystery parties
- Parties with themes besides "nudity"
- Parties like it’s 1999
- The Whig party