George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair in 1903 in Motihari, Bengal, India. His father, Richard Walmesley Blair was a civil servant for the British government. In 1904 Orwell moved with his mother and sister to England where he remained until 1922. He began to write at an early age, and was even published in college periodicals, but he did not enjoy school. Orwell failed to win a university scholarship and without the opportunity to continue his education he went to Burma and served in the administration of the Indian Imperial Police from 1922 to 1927 when he resigned in part due to his growing dislike of British imperialism. When Orwell returned to Europe he was in poor financial condition and worked low paying jobs in France and England. Finally, in 1928, he decided to become a professional writer. In 1933 he assumed the name George Orwell by which he would become famous. It was Animal Farm that made finally Orwell prosperous. His other world wide success was Nineteen Eighty-Four, which Orwell said was written "to alter other people’s idea of the kind of society they should strive after." Sadly Orwell never lived to see how successful it would become. He died in London on January 21, 1950.
(Animal Farm)奥威尔原名埃里克阿瑟布莱尔(Eric Arthur Blair),1903年生于印度。1907年他举家迁回到英格兰。1917年,他进入伊顿公学。1921年后来到缅甸加入Indian Imperial Police,1928年辞职。随后的日子里他贫病交加,此间他当过教师、书店店员,直到1940年,他成为New English Weekly的小说评论员,他才有了稳定的收入养家糊口。1936年间,他访问了兰开夏郡和约克郡,1936年底,他来到西班牙参加西班牙内战,其间他受伤。二战期间(1940-1943),他为BBS Eastern Service工作,并在此间写了大量政治和文学评论。1945年起他成为Observer的战地记者和achester Evening News的固定撰稿人。1945年,他出版了《动物农场》,1949年出版了《1984》。奥威尔患有肺结核,于1950年死去。