瘋狂民眾在網上以 900 美元搶購到「PlayStation 3 台」

Filed under: Gaming
In what’s sure to be a frontrunner for the "oh snap" moment of the day (or year), a presumably frustrated, delusional, and impatient individual apparently forgot to read the fine print on his latest eBay win. While it’s no secret that PlayStation 3 units have been selling for incredulous prices, snagging one for $900 probably seemed like quite the deal at the time; however, the poor sap failed to realize that he /she just committed almost one thousand dollars to purchasing three original PlayStation consoles. To make matters even worse, no games, controllers, or heartfelt sympathy was to be included, leaving the unsuspecting buyer in quite a bad predicament. No, we don’t actually think (at least we hope not) that this fellow / lady went through with their purchase (although it was snatched up at the "Buy it Now" price), but if they did, we’ve got to look at the bright side — that free shipping saved him / her a bundle.

在這個絕對足堪列入今年十大「我*」排行榜的事件中,一位顯然急著將 eBay 拍賣品標回家的人,連標題都沒看清楚就按下按鈕,以 900 美元(近三萬台幣)的價格標下了他/她心目中值回票價的「PlayStation 3」。問題是,這位可憐的仁兄沒發覺人家寫的是「(第一代的)PlayStation 3台」,而且更糟糕的是還不附送任何遊戲或額外的搖桿!

我們相信這種事應該是可以退貨,或至少有反應管道的。但倘若沒有的話……往好處想吧,至少它是免費寄到家的 XD。